Airside Access Forms

All airside forms are to be emailed through to: [email protected]

Parafield Airport Vehicle Control Handbook 2019

Parafield Airport Security Guide 2023

Parafield Airport Security Guide

Security Access Application (SAC)

  • The Security Access Cards are valid for 2 years or will hold an expiry date to match your ASIC.
  • If you do hold an ASIC you will need to supply a PDF photo copy when sending through the paperwork.
  • If you do not use your card within a 45-day period the card will disable for security reasons. If this is the case, we will easily be able enable your card as long as it’s still within its expiry date.
  • If your card has expired, you will need to complete a new SAC form and have it signed off by a company delegate.
  • Once the form is returned via email you will be notified when the card is ready for collection.
  • Comple the Parafield Induction here.

Authority to Drive Airside (ADA)

  • ADAs are valid for 2 years.
  • You will be required to provide a copy of your current state drivers license when sending through the paperwork. 
  • This application form is to be completed if you require to drive airside for business purposes only.
  • Section 4 of the ADA Application Form must be signed by a company delegate confirming the applicant has completed the minimum practical training required. Refer to section 3.8 of the Parafield Airport Vehicle Control Handbook 2019 for details of the minimum practical training required for each category of license.
  • Once you have sent through the completed ADA Application Form together with the completed PAL ADA Drivers log, we will arrange a time and day to complete the theory and practical tests. Please note you cannot sit the theory or practical tests until you have completed the ADA Application Form and provided evidence of completing the minimum practical training required ( PAL ADA Driver’s Log).
  • The theory test consists of 13 questions, the first 8 must all be correct before proceeding. If you have failed the first 8 mandatory questions you will need to wait 2 working days (Mon- Fri) before you can re-sit the test.
  • If you pass the theory test you will then complete a practical driving assessment with an Airport Operations team member. You will then be issued an ADA licence once you are successful in both the theory and practical tests.
  • If your ADA has expired, you will need to complete the paperwork again along with a copy of your current state drivers licence and re-sit the testing.
  • Complete the Parafield induction here.

Authority to Use Airside (AUA)

  • This application form is to be completed if your vehicle is required to drive airside for business purposes only.
  • The AUA form will need to be signed off by a company delegate.
  • It is a requirement that you provide a copy of your insurance certificate for the vehicle you wish to take airside which must have a minimum cover of $20 million.
  • The expiry date on your insurance certificate will be the expiry date of your AUA.
  • Once you have provided the completed paperwork and the insurance policy you will be issued an AUA sticker that is to be displayed visibly on your vehicle windshield at all times while driving airside. We will notify you of when you can collect the sticker.
  • If your AUA has expired and you wish to renew the permit, you will need to provide an updated insurance certificate and complete the paperwork again

Deed of Indemnity

  • This form is a legal document and is to be completed if you are requesting vehicle airside access at Parafield Airport for the first time. Please submit this form in full along with your AUA.

Company Authorised Signature Form

  • This form is to be sent through when applying for an AUA, ADA or a SAC. The nominated Company Authorised Signatures confirm that the employee’s details are correct and you agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions and approve an employee application for SAC, ADA, and an AUA.